NHD Readership Survey 2021 - snapshot

NHD  fully captures my attention. You are making a difference to practice.

Jo, Healthcare Lead

Thank you to all of you who filled in our 2021 survey. We had such good feedback providing us with insight into what you like about NHD and how useful a resource it is to you in your practice. 86% of you feel that NHD is instructive and authoritative with relevant content of interest and 82% feel it is an essential resource and useful for continuing professional development. Thank you to all of you who suggested topics that you would like to see more of in NHD.
We will be including many of those in our features schedule for 2022!

NHD readers are loyal: 60% have been reading NHD for over three years.

87% read over 50% of the magazine.

I trust the integrity of the professionals who write the specialist featured articles.

Gemma, Nutrition Advisor

Over half our readers spend 30-60 minutes reading their issues.

The majority of our readers receive NHD in the post (73.7%), whilst those who enjoy the digital version mostly read it on their laptop (42%).

Great magazine with useful articles. Good size and great to read over lunch at work.

Paula, Registered Dietitian

Readers are very positive about the quality and content of NHD. 88% find it easy to read. 86% like the design and layout, 62% take notice of the advertisements.